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Nov 5, 2017

Haredi parties don't really reject Peleg

As expected, the Haredi parties only give lip service to rejecting the Peleg people but don't allow legislation that might actually do something about it.

Minister Yaakov Litzman made sure to strongly oppose the proposal to revoke funding from any yeshiva calling for its students to evade the IDF draft. The proposal came up in committee today, but Litzman ensured it would not pass and at least be postponed for two more weeks before being discussed again. I am not sure what is supposed to happen in two weeks, but these delays usually mean the proposal will be shelved.
source: Behadrei

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  1. I totally understand. That is no reason to cut off funds. Perhaps in the future there will be other yeshivas who decide to do not register (but also decide to act normally and not close down the entire country). Makes total sense to me and has nothing to do with rejecting the antics of the Peleg folks.

    1. Good! And when those yeshivot do that, they should be cut off too.

  2. This shows nothing of the kind.
    They cannot support the government linking support with the ideology taught in a particular yeshiva. What if the government decides to extend it, ever so slightly, to any yeshiva that does not teach positive classes about the army? Or that doesn't learn enough mussar?
    Once you allow the linking of what gets taught in yeshiva with funding, you have opened a very dangerous door, that will most certainly be exploited,

    1. Once the yeshiva decides to accept government money, it is, by moral right, subject to whatever whim the government has. You write as if the yeshivot are entitled to string-free money by divine right forever. That's wrong.

    2. So, you agree. This doesn't signal chareidi approval of Peleg. You just believe that the government should have full control over everything taught in the yeshiva.

    3. Nachum hates chareidim. Sad, but true. See his comments here and on the Elite article.

      Sinas chinam is a very bad thing as we all know.

    4. I think the government has a right to decide how its money gets spent. (The money is, of course, actually the people's, taken from them in the form of taxes, but the people elect a government that represents how they want their money spent.)

      Of course this is all about base interests like money. But I remain convinced that there's a real inability of any charedi to condemn any other charedi. Litzman visited Berland in the hospital, for heaven's sake.

      Jacob: If it gets you through the night to claim that my disapproval of shirkers, rioters, and those who don't approve of the very country I live in is "hatred," gei guzenteheit.

  3. Nachum, you are filled with hatred and disdain. Typical anti semitism. You know the chareidim are more right than you are...

    1. Um, no, I don't. I follow a more authentic form of Judaism than they do, so how are they more right?


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